Industrial Park Cleaning Operations

Project objective

Industrial park and the surrounding public roads cleaning


Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China

Operation site

A large industrial park


Autowise V3, Platforma-X

The industrial park is located in the southern area of Nanjing. It is home to a gathering of high-tech enterprises, has a beautiful ecological environment with complete and sound supporting facilities. The operation scene is standard and normative, mainly consisting of main roads with auxiliary roads. There are many irregular dynamic parking spaces on the roadside of the park, and the reference lines along the edge are relatively accurate. has deployed multiple Autowise V3 and Platforma-X within the park and on the surrounding public roads. When there is an auxiliary road, the autonomous sweeper will clean the auxiliary road, otherwise it will clean the right side of the main road. The operation time and frequency can be adjusted according to customer needs and seasonal changes.

The vehicles have completed the operations safely and efficiently, fully demonstrating the economy, safety, and leading nature of autonomous driving technology. It will be quickly replicated and promoted within the urban area of Nanjing.

The following user case is based on actual project results. For more information, do not hesistate to contact us at